Friday, June 23, 2017

"Damaged Goods" is ready for consumption, and Anaale has a special offer!!!

So Uncle Ebo Whyte has done it again, and fresh out of the oven is his latest play "Damaged Goods" which premiered on the 21st of June and shows on the 24th and 25th of June and the 1st and 2nd of July at 4pm and 8pm each day.

You've probably seen the ads or heard people talk about it, but are shuffling your feet because you either haven't experienced, and don't know about, the positive impact of Roverman Productions' plays or are simply feeling lazy. Probably you're also just waiting for anaalescribe's review about the play.

But Anaale has good news and bad news...

The Bad

Let's start with the bad news. Anaalescribes won't be writing a review of the play this time round because Ruthfirst, her alter ego, has spent the last 7 weeks in rehearsals as the stage manager of the play. She therefore does not have the benefit of the perspective of the audience.

A few things she can say though are that this is Uncle Ebo's best play to date, you're going to have an unforgettable experience if you showed up at the theater for the play and...drum roll... we put Flash on stage!!!

Okay, spoiler alert, I'll say no more...

You can read stories associated with the play here and there.

So what's the good news? 

Anaalescribes has 20 promo tickets to give away to her followers!

You guys didn't think I was going to leave you stranded did you?

So as is the practice, I'm going to get 20 tickets and pay off 37.5% of the total cost of the tickets so that 20 lucky people can get to see the play. And no, its not a joke, I am personally paying 30 cedis off the tickets that originally cost 80 cedis so that you can get them for 50, with no extraordinarily outrageous conditions attached. All you have to do is follow my blog if you already haven't, and be a first time beneficiary of the promo.

Do follow the blog, and not my Google+ account as I've realized previous beneficiaries tended to do this.

The Super Part
If you have benefited from this promo in the past, and are disappointed about the fact that you can't participate in this one, here's the deal. I'm getting an additional 10 tickets for previous beneficiaries for 60 cedis.

You spoke, and I listened! By virtue of following me and participating in the previous promo, you get 25% off the original ticket cost. Remember however that this is limited.

There are therefore deadlines attached for both promos. Get in touch with me by Sunday the 25th of June at the latest. There might be a mad rush so this promo will be on first come, first served basis.

Looking forward to hearing from you all, and I'll be happy to get your feedback when you do see the show!

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